Mike Donahue. Obituary
Our beloved, Mike Donahue passed away on Thursday, December 12, 2019 and is and will be held close to heart by all those who knew him.
Mike had a long life of public service, both back in his hometown, Geneva, Illinois and his newest home city of Naples.
He joined Freedom Waters Foundation over seven years ago, after walking through a boat show and finding our brochure. He was immediately hooked with his perfect scenario – helping others while doing what he loved – boating and being on the water!

Mike Donahue on a FWF Weller Day – Sharing his love of boating with others!
Soon after, he was donating his time and use of his vessel, with his wife, Carol to take FWF participants boating and fishing!
Mike was invited to a Board meeting and saw that FWF needed help in becoming more financially sound and so in 2015, he created our incredibly successful – Kind Mariners Ball.
Modeled after the Top Hat Ball of Marklund, an organization in Illinois that the Donahues are also involved in…
Mike, Carol and Friends at the Kind Mariners Ball 2019
…The Kind Mariners Ball has afforded FWF to put many more individuals out on the water, leaving smiles and positive memories in the waves.
Mike is survived by his wife, Carol, son, Robert and daughter, Allison.
And, by the many friends and associates that love and appreciate him.
Robert, Allison, Carol and Mike – Kind Mariners Ball 2017 |
At the Kind Mariners Ball, in February 2019, Mike and Carol were honored with the FWF Well Dunn award for their outstanding contributions to Freedom Waters Foundation And, the new Donahue Perpetual plaque, naming all the Well Dunn Award winners resides in the FWF Naples office.
Mike, thank you for all you did for so many through your involvement with Freedom Waters Foundation.
Our hearts are with you and your family and forever grateful to know you!
Donahue Perpetual Award for individuals who contribute in an outstanding way to the
Kind Mariners Ball

Mike Donahue –
We Celebrate YOU!
Carol, Mike, Debby and Andrew Kind Mariners Ball 2016 |